Spirit is all around us and constantly communicating in a language that can be felt rather than heard.
As a professional Psychic Medium, I converse with Spirit all day and have come to know their language.
The number one way Spirit will talk to us, is to literally TALK to us. You know that voice inside of you that never seems to shut up? The running narrative that we tend to ignore a lot of the time? Well, when you quiet your mind and listen, you will notice that there is always "someone" speaking back and answering your questions and innermost thoughts. This is the voice of Spirit.
When you start to direct your thoughts towards a deceased loved one, those thoughts of yours will transcend space and time to connect with your loved one instantaneously.
When I want to speak with a clients deceased loved one, all I have to do is turn my thoughts in their direction and focus on their energy while keeping my mind clear of any other chatter. Slowly, a conversation begins to form and I can see their lives play out like a movie of memories depicting their life's story. The more I focus on their story, the more I can see and the greater the information that I can bring forward.
The information of the lives of all those who passed before us, is available if we quiet our minds and begin to focus on the dialogue that unfold when we think of them.
If you have lost a loved one, and want to feel the closeness of their Spirit, the next time you are driving by yourself in your car, I want you to roll up the windows and turn off the radio. Visualize them next to you in the passengers seat and begin to talk to them out loud. It may seem weird at first, but you will begin to feel their essence fill up the car when you call on them and focus your attention on the conversation you're about to have. Although you speak out loud, you won't hear them with your physical ears unless you are clairaudient (some psychics can literally hear Spirit, but most can't). You will hear the voice of your loved one begin to answer you back within your body and mind. It will be a telepathic communication that will blow you away when you realize they never left you and are always available whenever you need to talk. Try it, because Spirit is waiting to hear from you.
Love and Blessings,
Patricia Monna