How Are You Feeling Lately?
Our feelings are the voice of the soul and can often tell us when we need an energy over-haul. If you have been feeling exhausted, frustrated , run-down or angry lately, than its time to take a step back and find your peace.
Right now we are in the midst of a global awakening.
Now is the time to take a deep breath and slow down the "crazy" in our lives especially in the physical and emotional departments.
It is becoming more and more apparent that what we focus on is expanding at an exponential rate, and what you focus on is entirely up to you.
In my past newsletters, I have spoken of the importance of keeping our thoughts clean and our vibration high as we surf the wave of energy that is flooding the earth right now.
We are well under way for getting rid of old, stuck energy and for those of you who have done the work, it is about to pay off.
This amplification process works in two ways:
If you are operating at a primal level or in survival mode, than things are about to get more challenging until you learn that operating from anger, bitterness and resentment will only give you more of the same. Trapping you in the very cycle that you long to be rid of.
For those who operate from a compassionate, loving and awakened state of awareness, opportunities to heal, expand and grow are showing up all over the place.
There is a wave of energetic relief that is coming your way over the next few weeks and I suggest you learn to surf the wave or be prepared to drown in whatever it is your vibration is asking for. If life has been hectic then it is time for you to slow things down, take a deep breath and stay present while you find your peace. As a matter of fact, try and keep your energy as light as possible so that you can attract as much Light into your life as you can.
Positive experiences start with a positive outlook, and the Universe is asking you to look at your situation through the eyes of expanded awareness.
If you have never tried meditating, now would be a great time to try it. Meditation is the greatest stress reliever and when you tune out and tap into what the Universe is saying to you, your next step becomes much clearer and you avoid the pitfalls that once were all around you.
There is truth to the saying "The kingdom of Heaven is within you."
Peace is only found when you go within and this month is providing us the right energy to do so.
I pray you find your Light.
Sending you peace, love and light.
Patricia Monna