Rife Therapy and Vibroacoustic Sound Healing
Escape the chill and find your winter bliss.
As we cool down and move into the winter solstice, come embrace peace, relaxation, and relief from what ails you, so you can feel your best in the holiday season. This time of year can become stressful and busy, and Rife Therapy can help to improve adrenal fatigue, reduce anxieties, and relieve pain from arthritis or neuropathy (and so much more!).
When you come in, you will be greeted by our Rife Therapy practitioner Zach, who has helped numerous individuals overcome their chronic pains, hormonal imbalances, anxieties, and many other conditions over the past four years.
Zach will help to make you feel at home and curate the Rife Therapy programs that meet your specific needs. If you are unsure if we can target it, just ask!
We hope to see many returning individuals and new faces as well!
Please contact Zach directly if you have any questions regarding Rife Therapy and Vibroacoustic Sound Healing. Feel free to call, text, or email!
Rife Therapy Can help with the following and much more!
- Arthritis
- Neuropathy
- Hormonal Imbalance
- Chronic pains
- Kidney and Liver Insufficiency
- Detoxification
- Anxiety and Depression
- Allergies and Hypersensitivities
We Can Help You!
Some of the many areas that Rife Frequency Therapy can help you with are:
-Immune Support /Auto-Immune Disorders
-Anxiety/ Depression/ Panic Attacks
-Chronic Fatigue
-Insomnia/ Sleeping Disorders
-Inflammatory Disorders/ Chronic Pain of Any Kind
-Neurological Disorders / Neuropathy
-Psoriasis/ Eczema/ Acne/ Skin Conditions
-Hormonal Imbalances
-Healing and Regeneration of Soft Tissue Damage
-IBS / Digestive Disorders
-HPV / Viruses and Bacterial Infections
-Skin Tags/ Warts
These are just a few of the ailments that Rife Frequency Therapy can help you with to promote health and healing within your body.
Rife Frequency Therapy is a non- invasive treatment using low range radio-wave frequencies to restore, maintain and heal different ailments in the body. Using two handheld poles (or straps on the wrists and ankles dependent on what ailment is being treated), specific frequencies will run through your body to the targeted area's that need healing (Completely pain free).
Although there have been amazing results using this technology, Rife Frequency Therapy is still classified as "experimental" in the field of science and medicine.
(Rife Therapy is not recommended for pregnant or nursing mothers).
Like Rife therapy, the vibroacoustic sound bed uses specified frequencies to target an ailment or issue. The difference the two have in modality is how vibroacoustics use music attuned to certain frequencies in hertz (Hz) to induce a response from the body. Vibroacoustics utilize the low-frequency or “flutter” range (20-100Hz) of the spectrum because at these frequencies, one is able to hear and feel sound. Vibroacoustic therapy can be effective in treating and relieving the symptoms of:
-Muscle cramps
-Acute/Chronic pain (relief)
-Parkinson’s disease
-Stress and anxiety
-Neurological Disorders
-Circulatory Problems
How do Vibroacoustic Sound Beds Work?
Specifically attuned audio waves in vibroacoustic therapy is used to stimulate nerve endings in the dermis known as Pacinian corpuscles. These sensory neurons mediate the sensation of pain, pressure, and itch, enabling the effect of relief to the ailment.
Our Vibroacoustic Sound Bed uses sound frequencies to harmonize your body's energy while producing a full body massage effect that penetrates deep inside of the body's organs, tissues and muscles to promote healing and relaxation on all levels.
As your body vibrates to the tune of healing frequencies from the Vibrational Sound Bed, binaural beats are emitted to surround you in healing music and guide you into a deep state of meditation.
Join Patricia Monna and Zachary Bouthilette (rifetherapycalgary.com) on my YouTube Channel: Patricia Monna Intuitive Consulting as we talk to Bradly Johnson from Spooky2 (www.spooky2.com). We discuss an alternative way to heal ourselves using Rife Frequencies and explain our successes we have seen along the way.
Zachary Bouthilette has a Rife Therapy and Vibroacoustic Sound Healing Clinic located within Patricia’s studio in Midnapore, Calgary Alberta. He has successfully treated clients with Rife Therapy and Vibroacoustic Sound Healing in his Calgary office for over 5 years. All testimonial pictures in the video belong to Zach and his success using Rife Therapy.
Zachary Bouthillette
Bradley Johnson has a 16-year background in radio frequency and has studied combined waveforms and modulations for 8 years. He is a Rife engineer, with the last 2 years focused as the owner/operator of a holistic frequency practice in the United States. At the same time, he is the Official Spooky2 Trainer and holds many great training courses for Spooky2 users online and offline. He has been using Spooky2 generators for several years and is committed to researching energy medicine, energy balancing, and the quantum entanglement of cells to provide scientific and intellectually sound data. ll his work supports a new understanding of human wellness and infinite possibilities.
Bradly Johnson
Patricia Monna
We Kindly request 48 hours notice to cancel or reschedule your appointment as no refunds will be given for missed appointments.
Rife Therapy cannot be performed on individuals with metal implants or medical devices such as pacemakers, hip replacements, knee replacements, or copper IUDs. Minor implants such as screws or pins may be permissible.
Please contact Zachary at 587-429-0132 if you are unsure if you are able to do Rife Therapy with your implant.
Please call Zach at 587.429.0132
Rife Frequency and Vibroacoustic Therapy
“I've been dealing with a plantar wart on my foot for years. I had it very painfully frozen to the point that I had to pull over because I couldn't drive, and yet it didn't go away. I was referred to a Dermatologist with laser and burned it every three weeks for a year. At no point did the wart get smaller, and it was so incredibly painful, I dreaded it. The acid they put on it burned so bad, I had to leave work. I then ended up with one on my finger which was painful and embarrassing. I had that frozen and lasered too, with no success. They were going to start injecting the warts, and I was so desperate to be rid of them, I asked the Dr. if he would cut them out. This is where my journey with Rife started. I honestly didn't know if it would work, because I'd had so many aggressive treatments that did nothing. But, like a miracle, it worked!!!! Both are completely gone and I couldn't be happier. I still can't believe it actually. Thank you so much to Patricia for ending my pain and giving me a cure!! ♥️”
Twenty years ago an accident left me with a nerve pulled out of my spine, which resulted in my not being able to move my left hand below the wrist, no feeling in half of my fingers and some level of constant pain .
I started Rife treatments 4 months ago, I was a bit of a skeptic but figured it couldn’t hurt. The first thing I noticed was that while I was hooked up to the Rife, I had no pain. An entire hour pain free, it does not sound lime much but to anyone with chronic pain, it’s blissful. Continued treatment has not made my pain disappear but it has decreased the overall level of the pain and the period of time pain free has started to increase beyond the treatment time. Mission accomplished!!!
Then I started to notice that my non existent grip strength and fine motor skills were starting to improve, minutely mind you, but after 20 years I will take any level of improvement I can get. Then the strangest thing happened this week, I suddenly realized I had full awareness of all the fingers on my hand, not quite feeling but awareness of each finger, the same feeling you get when you’ve laid on your hand and it’s fallen asleep. I can’t tell you how strange it is to suddenly have awareness of an appendage that has had no feeling for so long.
Rife is the only treatment that I am doing so the change can only be attributed to it. I don’t know where my journey will lead but I do know that I will continue to use Rife treatments all the way.
Thank you Joey, Zach and Patricia!
Lori S.
I have to share this with you! So my back has been a disaster for about a month now, I slipped down my stairs right on my bum 😬 (OUCH!!)
Anyhoo, after I went on your table, the next day it felt about 50% better, the day after 85%, and it is now 100%!!! I even went to the chiropractor yesterday because I had an apt booked already and she said “what did you do?!? You’re all fixed!!”
So I’m giving your magic table all the credit!!
Rebecca R.
Rife machine and Sound therapy are dynamic together!
I had the opportunity to use these three days in a row and unfortunately due to passing through Calgary would have liked to utilize this for a few more sessions. What I can say that in those limited opportunities there was close to immediate positive responses to my condition which is extreme lower back, sciatic striking pains down my left side. With traveling and sleeping in different locations, this was alleviated and now being back home I can feel the affects of not being able to use this tandem together. The staff are extremely professional and the sessions were worth every penny albeit very reasonable. Being under constant pain in these areas for over forty years, this was a breakthrough for me."
Thank you!
Daryl P.
I HIGHLY recommend this, have gone for 2 sessions, will be going again in the spring! I had terrible heel pain, was constantly limping, and months later the pain has not returned.
Thank you!! Sharon M.