News & Media
Beyond Belief with George Noory
Air Date on GAIA TV’s Network: May 5 2021
Like sonar for a dolphin or bat, Patricia Monna, an internationally known psychic medium, is able to target a person’s resonance and see their location and environment through remote viewing and dowsing. From a young age, she recognized her abilities to sense death and see illness in another through her hyper-sensitivity.
She brings story and perspective to her psychic experiences as a hospice oncology nurse, her work as a psychic for private clients, and her assistance in locating missing people with law enforcement. As she explains these techniques that have come naturally for her, she reminds us that this can be learned by all.
Finding Missing People with Patricia Monna and Jason Shurka
Air Date: April 17 2021
Youtube Channel: Jason Shurka
I Learned How to Believe in Life After Death
April 5 2021
Article Written By :
Cathy Bohlken of Calgary Alberta
Deep within my heart, I believed that once we died, that was it. I never believed in the possibility of life after death. My scientific training as a respiratory therapist meant I thought that a person who claimed to see the “bright lights” during a near-death experience was simply suffering from hypoxia as their brain and body shut down.
But I’ve always enjoyed hearing about near-death experiences and watched multiple documentaries trying to prove or disprove the phenomenon. In one film that I had watched, a sign had been placed above the surgical lights in an operating room, instructing anyone who saw that sign to let the staff know. Nobody ever responded. A few years ago, my boyfriend Dave and I shared links to videos about research that explored the possibilities of life after death. He was fascinated with the topic, too. The last link that he sent to me was a TED Talk about a person’s energy continuing to exist after the body dies.
Several weeks later, one week before Christmas, Dave committed suicide. I was completely blindsided because we had been making so many plans for the future. But I would come to learn that he had probably been planning it for quite some time.
I grieved for months, and in the spring I discovered the TV show Long Island Medium. I became completely mesmerized and decided that I needed to find my own psychic medium, hoping that someone could make a connection to Dave.
I went to see a psychic in Calgary who has a good record of helping law enforcement agencies from around the world locate missing and murdered persons.
If someone had told me years ago that I would embrace this completely different world, I would have thought they were crazy. Yet here I was, and I had no idea what to expect. I opened the door to her office and was immediately struck by the crystals. I saw what appeared to be angel wings adorning the walls. An eagle’s wing, wrapped with ribbons, was hanging from a hook by the door.
Patricia is the most delightful person. Her blond bobbed hair swung as she jumped up from her chair to welcome me and gave me a warm hug. I never told her any details about Dave; I wanted it to be completely spontaneous. My belief system entirely hinged on the reading I was about to receive. Either she knew things, or she didn’t.
I had brought a picture of Dave because her website mentioned that photos helped her to channel that person’s energy. I also brought a tape recorder because I didn’t want to forget or miss anything that she said.
Patricia started the reading by trying to identify the different spirits that had walked in with me. She described one of my grandfathers perfectly, but she also said he was talking about somebody else who was there, someone that was missing the tip of a finger. I didn’t know of anyone that was missing any fingertips. (Later, I learned that my other grandfather had lost the tip of two fingers in a lawnmower accident. He died when I was a baby, so I didn’t remember him at all.) This was one of 50 validations of my life that she could never possibly have known.
Patricia sensed that there was somebody else in the room but the spirit was “wispy,” unlike my grandfather who was strongly present. After several minutes, she asked me if someone had died recently. When I told her that my boyfriend had died six months earlier, she exclaimed: “In the first year, it’s darn near impossible to reach them, but I will try because he is here.”
“He can hear you,” Patricia said. “It’s almost like he comes to you gently because you were very angry with him when he left.” She told me stories for almost an hour, telling me things that she could never possibly have known. She described how Dave would sit across from me at the kitchen island. How when I was at the kitchen sink, he would wrap his arms around me from behind. “He’s still doing that.”
She explained that “if you even think of them, it’s … like picking up the phone or having him right in front of you. If you know what you feel like, you’ll know what somebody else’s energy feels like.”
At home I tried hard to focus on anything that I was feeling, it was almost like a deep meditation. About a week after the reading, I noticed a tingling sensation on the right side of my head when I thought of Dave – as if my hair was standing on edge, this ebbed and flowed depending on the intensity of my emotions. When my mom died suddenly a year later, I was more open to the sensation and I felt her energy differently, and immediately.
The experience has brought me comfort. The peace that I feel has assured me that our journey does not end once we pass from this life. It is like the veil has been lifted between our two worlds, and I am constantly being caressed from the other side.
Patricia left me with a parting thought to consider once my grief had subsided. “It’s almost like you wanted to write a book, and now you have the material,” she noted.
Writing a book was not something I had ever considered, but after my experience, sharing my story is something that I simply have to do.
Cathy Bohlken lives in Calgary.
Christine Upchurch Interview With Patricia Monna
The Christine Upchurch Show: The Vibration of Change™ Is it possible to “see” into other locations, even going back in time? In this conversation with Christine and internationally known psychic medium and remote viewer Patricia Monna discusses how she uses remote viewing to help her clients in their personal lives as well as to help law enforcement find missing persons. Patricia explains that remote viewing isn’t just a natural gift, but also a learnable skill that anyone can train to do. Christine Upchurch Christine Upchurch Patricia Monna Patricia Monna Intuitive Consulting #transformation #vibrationofchange #christineupchurch #psychicmedium #remoteviewer #thechristineupchurchshow #patriciamonna #psychicawareness #missingpersons #unexplaineddisappearances
Air Date: March 26 2021
Conversations With Jennylyn Gleaves
Canadian Patricia Monna:, works with the Canadian equivalent to USA's FBI, to find missing people and has successful found 29 missing people. She is a psychic medium with a great track record for accuracy... this is a must watch video!
Understanding The Mysteries of Ancient Egypt with Jason Shurka and Patricia Monna
Air Date: February 27 2021
Remote Viewing: Interview with Jennylyn
Air Date: February 4 2021
Join Expert Remote Viewer Patricia Monna as she explains her work with missing people and how she has assisted in locating 29 missing people.
Live with Jason Shurka: Remote Viewing and The Pyramid Code
Air Date: January 30 20221
Join Jason Shurka and Patricia Monna and they discuss The Pyramid Code and Remote Viewing.
The Forever Young Podcast with Kyle Beckwermert
Air Date: December 7 2020
Kyle Beckwermert speaking with Patricia Monna as she explains her gifts, abilities and successes with locating missing persons.
Conversational Take aways…
"Anytime your consciousness is not anchored in the present moment; you are in another dimension."
"We carry the pattern and stories of all those who came before us."
"When we leave this earth; this body, all that we are left with are our memories. What kind of memory do you want to be?"
The Case of Jack Culiolias
Missing Since Dec. 16. 2012
This article is a perfect example of why law enforcement should remain open to the idea of using psychics. NOT just ANY psychics, but ones who have been tried and tested and have proven their accuracy. I have been able to help bring closure to 24 missing person cases, and I never would have been able to do it if the Law Enforcement Agencies that I have worked with weren't open to this type of unconventional method. A good investigator is always ready to look outside the box.
My google coordinates that I submitted to Find Me came within a few feet of where the victim was located.
To Read the full article on the disappearance of Jack Culiolias please click HERE
Calgary Journal Article
February 7 2012
"Local Psychic Devotes Time to find missing people"
By April IP
Supernatural abilities, Incense. Candles. Pendulums. Crystal balls. While these objects may seem foreign in our daily lives, they are but a common sight for Patricia Monna.
Monna is a psychic practitioner who assists law enforcement in solving missing persons cases. She is also the owner of Our Angels Center for Well Being, a local psychic shop in Marda Loop.
"I've known I was psychic my whole life. But it wasn't until my parents passed away that I even opened up to the possibility that my gift could go somewhere," Monna said.
After the back-to-back losses of both her parents — her father to an accident at work and her mother to breast cancer — Monna turned to what she calls her "psychic gift" for comfort and fulfillment.
She said that all her life she was taught to suppress her psychic abilities. "I remember one of the first visions I had was of myself falling off my bike before it happened."
Brought up in a very born-again Christian household, she was often taken to different pastors in the hopes they would pray the visions and psychic abilities out of her.
"My gift was seen as a hindrance and I was scared it was demonic."
Monna said that her psychic abilities expanded through the grieving process of her parents' death. "It was such a pull, I couldn't deny it any longer. Essentially I turned to my psychic gift because I wanted to be able to talk to my parents.
"I started doing readings out of my home and within a month it all just sort of blew up."
Monna said that through word of mouth she was contacted by Jerry Snyder, a retired law enforcement officer and founder of Find Me.
Homicides to missing persons Snyder, a retired Arizona drug enforcement officer, said that his non-profit organization consists of retired police, 100 vetted psychic consultants and canine search and rescue professionals. Everyone who is a part of the team works on a volunteer basis.
Snyder said he has worked with Monna on eight cases and "so far she has been exceptional."
"I remember I had been investigating a case where I had already determined who the suspects were," he said. "Patricia came to a meeting a few months after that and described the suspect's house like she was standing right in front of it. There was no way she would have known that information beforehand."
RCMP says no to psychic assistanceSnyder said that since the organization assists in cases worldwide, at least five situations have landed on Canadian soil. While his organization assists at no charge, he confirmed that the RCMP has not been cooperative.
"Unfortunately there is no working with Canadian law enforcement. They have refused working with psychics many times in the past."
He added that the organization has tried explaining what the success ratios have been multiple times. "However when the RCMP already has a certain mindset, it makes it very difficult to search on Canadian land."
Snyder said that in the nine years the organization has been running it has only been turned away 10 times worldwide. Out of those 10 times, five have been by the RCMP.
"I am not sure if they are misinformed or if they are acting out of a pre-set restriction to work with psychics." He said that to date the organization has solved over 25 missing-person cases.
An RCMP spokesman didn't dispute Snyder's claims.
"In all my years of working I have never seen a psychic employed or assigned on a volunteer basis on a specific case," said Patrick Webb, RCMP media relations officer.
He said that typically the RCMP has found that information flowing through psychics is no more or less valuable than someone who calls in with a tip regarding a case.
"We treat psychic information the same way we treat any other type of information that comes through.
"We assess the quality of it and how much value there might be in the tip. Meaning we don't discount it right off but at the same time psychic information doesn't get any more credibility."
Webb said that the RCMP has found a wide range of psychics available.
"If we worked with one psychic we would be asked why we're not working on another. In that case we would also have five to six different pieces of information to follow up on."
Lisa Woykin is one of these other psychics, but said she would like to see Monna take on a more active role in Canadian investigations.
"Patricia is excellent at seeing the intricate details of any given situation," Waykin said.
"I know Patricia can help the families privately, but in terms of RCMP and Canadian law enforcement, she is limited in where she can search for the bodies."
Woykin said that it is unfortunate that Monna is not able to bring peace to certain families who are working with the RCMP.
Monna, meanwhile, said she's disheartened that the RCMP continues to be uncooperative.
"The cadaver dogs have the ability to smell bodies," she said, "I have this natural ability to help as well, but yet they trust dogs instead of humans. Sometimes that is a little hard to handle."
Getting into the psychic zoneHowever, she's pleased that she has been able to work with Snyder on cases outside of Canada.
"It's awesome volunteering with Find Me because I get information like license plate numbers and the make and model of vehicles. I see things very vividly and can pinpoint how the crimes unfolded.
"I have this crazy gift and if it can help bring a loved one home, that's what I am here for."
Monna said that all psychics working on a case get something similar to a wanted poster.
"We are also provided with the victim's birthday, date missing and the missing from location. After that we use Google Earth to narrow down the latitude and longitude of where the body and suspect are."
Monna said that for her, getting into the psychic zone feels like a memory. "It's like I've watched your movie or I've have read your book. While it may look like I am daydreaming I am actually reminiscing and looking in on your information."
Calgary Herald
June 25, 2012
"Psychics offer gifts to dubious police"
BY: Jason Van Rassel,
Calgary Herald
June 25, 2012
"Psychics offer gifts to dubious police"
Jason Van Rassel, Calgary HeraldPublished: Monday, June 25, 2012
Movies and television crime dramas such as Medium often depict police and psychics working hand-in-hand, but the relationship is much more ambiguous and not without controversy.
In reality, police and the courts rely on evidence gathered using accepted science and proven techniques - and psychics are widely regarded with skepticism, if not outright disbelief.
Authorities in Canada rarely - if ever - use psychics in missing-person cases, but one local practitioner says she wants to change that mindset.
"People shun it because they don't understand it," said Patricia Monna, a psychic in Calgary.
Monna belongs to Find Me, a U.S.-based volunteer group that uses psychics to help solve homicides and missing-person cases.
The group has worked with law enforcement agencies in the U.S., but Monna said police in Canada are reluctant to accept their help.
"It shouldn't matter how a person gets home - shouldn't it just matter that we're bringing people home?"
Monna, 35, said she has always had the ability to sense when someone was sick or near death, but repressed it growing up in a devoutly Christian family in Calgary.
Monna said the deaths of her father seven years ago and her mother a year later brought on depression, followed by a spiritual awakening and a new-found desire to embrace her gift.
She believes her psychic ability allows her to see details of events and where they happened.
"It's like I've watched a movie or seen it on TV," she said.
Monna then tries to match what she sees in her head with places connected to the case she's working on. She uses Google Earth to cross-reference what she's seen with geographic locations, eventually getting a set of precise co-ordinates she submits to Find Me.
It can be a time-consuming process, and Monna said she has taken time away from the New Age shop she owns in southwest Calgary to help Find Me conduct searches in some of its cases.
But in one unsolved missing person case in B.C., Monna said the police made it clear they didn't want her assistance.
"I wish (the police) would open up and see things differently," she said. "Why aren't they taking our help?"
Investigators are quick to point out help from a psychic isn't the kind of evidence that stands up in court. A psychic may say someone's body is hidden in a house, for example, but getting a warrant to search it requires tangible evidence that will be accepted by a judge: witness statements, surveillance photos, DNA samples.
One senior officer in the Calgary Police Service said psychics came forward on one or two cases he worked on, but the information they offered didn't advance the investigations.
"I've never had anyone who had accurate information, or it has been too vague to assess," said Insp. Cliff O'Brien, who served in the homicide unit for several years.
Calgary police and the RCMP said they would consider any information they received from a psychic, but both departments made it clear they don't employ psychics or use them as an investigative tool.
Nevertheless, O'Brien said good investigators are trained to remain open-minded. O'Brien said police wouldn't disregard a tip just because it came from a psychic - particularly if an investigation was at an impasse."We would never turn down any information," he said. The founder of Find Me, Kelly Snyder, is a law enforcement veteran and said he understands the skepticism.
After retiring from the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, Snyder worked as an investigator for the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. After exhausting all the usual means to solve a case, Snyder said he thought something unconventional might give him an edge over the perpetrators.
"I wondered, 'Does this psychic (stuff) really work?'" he said from his home in Arizona.
"It was curiosity that started it."
Snyder said the group has a network of about 100 psychics from around the world who are given only basic information about a case.
What he gets from each, Snyder said, are "bits and pieces," put together in a brief report and given to police.
"It is literally taking 10 minutes out of their day," he said.
Find Me also employs traditional investigative techniques, using retired law enforcement professionals to sift through information, and the group is partnered with a certified search-and-rescue team that has trained cadaver dogs.
Despite his willingness to use psychics, Snyder said he remains skeptical of many self-professed clairvoyants.
"Some are pieces of crap and are in it for the wrong reasons," he said, adding Find Me's members are volunteers who work strictly as volunteers.
Find Me only retains psychics who have a track record of being reliable, said Snyder, adding his group has helped locate more than 35 people, living or dead, since it was founded in 2002.
"I don't understand it, but how do you explain that type of stuff?" Snyder said.
However, such claims of success are open to interpretation.
Joe Nickell, a former stage musician who writes for the U.S. Skeptical Inquirer, said psychics will often "retro-fit" the information they supply so it jibes with the outcome.
If a body is found near a river, a psychic could take credit for mentioning "water" during a reading, said Nickell. If the body was instead found inland, but on a street with a nautical name such as Maritime Drive, the psychic could claim success in that instance, too.
"It's a form of after-the-fact matching," Nickell said.
There is no scientific evidence to support psychics' claims, but some may genuinely believe they possess paranormal abilities, he added.
"The person who is doing it . . . may just have a fantasy-prone personality," he said.
Draw Your own conclusions...
When are people going to wake up and realize that we are not alone?
I know first hand, how hard it is to believe in something that you cant see..but that is what faith is all about!
In today's society, we have been programmed to listen to everyone and everything outside of ourselves when faced with adversity. We listen to our parents, friends, Dr. Phil etc.. everything but what our gut tells us.
We do have personal guardian angels, who have been sent to us to guard, guide and protect us. One of the greatest ways that Spirit talks to us is through our thoughts and feelings. When we choose to go within and listen to the inner guidance that is coming from our own Divine connective source, something magical starts to happen. Life gets good...REALLY GOOD!
How many times has your intuition saved you from heading into a disaster? That voice that told you not to head down that road, is the same voice that I use every day to help track down missing people. IT WORKS (I'm up to 24 cases solved YAY!!)
Direct signs from Spirit are being shown to you now, you didn't come across this blog for no apparent reason.
YOU TOO have been searching, and your angels are about to give you a little more proof of their existence.
Open up your own inner diaologue with your angels, and be open to seeing the signs that they are showing you.
This clip is from a private session that I had with a client back in April of this year. I was trying to explain the signs that Spirit Guides and Angels give us when they are around.
Please keep in mind that there was no one else present in the room at the time of the recording.
In the clip you can clearly hear a distinctive male voice who finishes off my senetence for me by saying "They'll show you..."
Draw your own conclusion...
In love and light,