Testimonial from US Search and Rescue:
December 7, 2015
It is with great support and enthusiasm that I write this letter of reference on behalf of Patricia Monna. I had the opportunity to meet Patricia a few years ago through an agency by the name of Find Me. From there, we have gotten to know each other and have built a long distance friendship throughout the years.
This past May, the town of Wimberley, Texas suffered a severe flood. The Blanco River runs through a vacation area in Wimberley, Texas where 3 families who were residents of Corpus Christi, Texas were staying for the Memorial weekend holiday. On the evening of May 24, Wimberley experienced some of the worst flooding in its’ history. At 9pm the Blanco River was at 5 feet. At 1am, the river had risen to 41 feet. As a result, the home the families from Corpus Christi were staying in was torn from its foundation and swept away. Not far down the river, the massive home hit a low-lying concrete bridge and was destroyed upon impact. The 9 people inside the home (including 3 children) were my friends.
After hearing of this tragedy, I contacted Patricia to see if she could help locate the missing. Of the 9 people in the home, only one person had been able to safely make it out. He was still alive, but had been flown to a hospital to treat to his severe injuries. Time was of the essence to find these missing 8 people.
Patricia was instrumental in helping to locate my friends. She described the areas where 6 of the 8 missing were found. She pinpointed 4 locations where bodies were found within approximately 25-50 yards. Patricia was very quick to tell me to that not everyone would be found, and unfortunately she was correct. To this day, 2 children are still missing and no one was found alive.
I’ll never forget being on the telephone with Patricia while she was describing to me what to look for on Google maps and she asked me if Texas was in Oklahoma! After I finished laughing, I explained to her that Texas and Oklahoma were 2 different states. I find this part of the story so fascinating because here was Patricia in Canada and I was in Texas in the United States. Patricia was able to pinpoint very specific locations in an area where she had no idea where it was!
-Jessica N.
My Client Won The Lottery...And I Saw It Coming!
I first came to see you six years ago when my mom passed away and since then I see you every year around my birthday in July. To me seeing you is like starting the new year and lots of times it gives me hope that there are good things to come and it was nice to hear that my mom was around me and watching over us. I also love your positivity I leave feeling good. I have had quite a few things you tell me come true but never really knew if it would have happened anyway or you telling me kind of motivated me to make changes that resulted in things coming true if that makes sense. But I have never experienced anything like the story I'm about to tell you.
In July of 2016 I saw you for my annual reading and charge of positivity and you told me that October and November would be very positive months for my daughter and I especially December 2. You then even stopped and grabbed a pen and sticky and said I had to remember this and wrote the dates down you had never done anything like that for me you were so adamant about these dates. I went home and put the sticky on my bulletin board and sort of forgot about it. Fast forward to the end of November when my daughter told me about a new lottery called the Daily Grand. A few days later I was in Shopper's Drug Mart and remembered what my daughter had said so I grabbed a quick pick I couldn't even remember the correct name I called it the Daily Grind and the cashier and I had a good chuckle over that (I also want to say I hardly ever play the lottery maybe once a year and I'm lucky if I get a free ticket), I stuck it in my wallet and forgot about it.
A week later I had taken my daughter to Urgent Care and after we stopped at Shopper's for a prescription. It was later at night I was tired and she was bugging me about what she wanted for Christmas so I gave her my ticket and told her to go check it to keep her busy. All of a sudden she is yelling at me across Shopper's when I'm chatting with the cashier so I shushed her (she is 21 I thought she knew better lol) so she comes running over and says mom we just won 7 million I was like no way it has to be 700 you read it wrong so the woman puts it through the machine and sure enough the whole thing shuts down we had won 7 million so after crying and hugging and calling our family to meet us at our house I'm standing around talking to my family and something struck me about it being December 2nd so I go get my sticky note and sure enough November 27 is underlined and starred with positive info coming and this would have been the day I bought the ticket and December 2 says positive date which was the day we found out we won!Thank you so much for being a guiding light in my life! You have NEVER been wrong!
“The first time i went to see Patricia Monna, i was a bit nervous and not totally sure what to expect. She quickly puts you at ease. The way Patricia was able to describe certain people in my life was the most surreal to me. She was able to accurately describe multiple people close to me (personalities, mannerisms, style). She was so spot on with many different things. One of the most important things she was able to tell me was of a serious health problem my Dad had (which was unknown at the time). I have seen Patricia for a second reading and it was as good as the first. I would recommend Patricia to anyone and everyone. I have sent so many family members and friends her way and everyone can't say enough good things about their own experiences with her. Patricia has this beautiful gift and is thankfully willing to share it with all of us!”
-Kayla R.
Hi Patricia,
I thought I would drop you a line since I know have you real email address! I wanted to let you know I signed up for your newsletter and my husband(Anthony) sent along the one you had previously sent out for October - lot's of great, very relevant information. It was a great reminder to trust in the bigger picture. Good things are always just around the corner.
You have called on your clients to tell how you are making a difference in their lives; the tangible difference you have made in mine is incredible.
You went from being a stranger I merely heard about, to a a kind friend who brought insight, understanding and comfort to my life at point where discouragement and disappointment could have been the easy road to follow.
Looking back on the events of the past week, I know a divine path led me to you, on the exact day I would need you in my life. I was dealt a pretty sour lemon on October 16th, my time spent with you prepared my heart and mind for what I was about to encounter. Speaking with you in the day following renewed my faith and understanding that love and light truly do follow those who trust.
Thank you for the peace you bring to broken hearts and the encouragement you speak into the lives of those you counsel.
You have been a blessing in my life and I'm so happy we met.
Until we meet again - Be well and shine bright!
My boyfriend Dave, had committed suicide one week before Christmas in 2017, and it was the most horrific thing that I have ever gone through. He suffered from bipolar depression, and life just got to be too much for him.
What happens after we die, was a favourite topic between Dave and I. I loved to think that there was something else, but logically, I figured that once we died that was just kind of it. All of that changed when I met Patricia, and she did a reading for me.
I had been cleaning my house one-day last spring, and Long Island Medium was playing in the background. It grabbed my attention, so I sat down and was completely engrossed by the show. I decided that I needed to see a medium!
I started doing research on Mediums in Calgary, and came across Patricia’s website. I was so impressed by the testimonials, that I booked an appointment right away. Well, right away was three months away, but even that to me was a good sign!
When I first sat down, she started by holding my hands and getting me to take some deep breaths in. Then she started to talk. She was trying to figure out “Who was Who”, and described perfectly my Grandpa on my Dads side. He was also showing her someone else who was there, that was missing the tip of a finger. Did I know of anyone who had been in my life who was missing the tip of a finger, that this had happened in some sort of accident. I had absolutely no idea at all, but she told me to ask my family, that there would be somebody there. It turned out that my Grandfather on my Moms side, had lost the tip of two fingers in a lawn mower accident. He passed away when I was only a few months old, so I never knew him at all. That was just the tip of the iceberg of things that she knew, that how could she possibly ever know without her incredible gift.
She said that Dave was there, but that he was coming through very wispy, almost like he was afraid to be there or not sure what was going on. She then asked me if he had just passed away recently, which he had. It had only been six months. She said “That’s why! That’s why he was coming through like that!” She told me that any good psychic who was not full of crap, would tell you that it is almost impossible to reach someone in that first year. She would try because he was there.
I never provided any information at all about how he died or anything. She told me that he did pass away before his time. It was like he was here one second, and then gone the next. She asked me if it was an accident or something? When I told her that it was a suicide, she said “Now it makes sense because he apologized for leaving early, and I thought that was kind of weird, like he almost had control over his departure.”
It was without a doubt, the most incredible experience of my entire life. It completely changed absolutely everything that I had previously believed in. She showed me that our spirit, our energy, our consciousness, our soul or whatever you want to call it, does not end when we leave this life. It just doesn’t.
My experience with Patricia and the reading she did, had such a profound affect on me that I ended up writing a book. “I’m Still Here” The Incredible True Story of Love, Loss and Life after Death. I’m currently going through the stages of getting it published.
I have no idea how she is able to do what she does, but she has a gift that is just a blessing from God. My Mom just passed away recently and unexpectedly, but I don’t think that I would have been able to cope had I not gone through everything that I had with Dave. They are still with us, our loved ones. It has brought me such incredible peace, and I will always be so incredibly grateful that Patricia and I met. You will not be disappointed!
Cathy B.
Hello Patricia
I came to see you last fall (November, I think). At that time, you told me to ‘have that mole removed, cancer is not yet activated’.
Just after Christmas, I noticed a small mole on my shin. Didn’t think anything of it, then kept staring at it after each shower and realized that I had no memory if it being there before. Your words came to mind, and I went to see my doctor. He did a biopsy and it came back as a pre-cancer melanoma. He referred me to a dermatologist and yesterday the area was removed and I was given a very happy ending to this....mole gone, no cancer.
Just wanted to thank you for the heads up and probably for saving my life. I am so appreciative.
Warmest Regards,
-Lisa H.
"Hey Beautiful :) I just wanted to remind you what an amazing thing it is you do. You continuously inspire while proving hope and encouragement. You make this world a better place one person at a time. I am so blessed to have you in my life. I hope you know that everyone I know who has gone to see you, are always telling me how much you have done for them and what a wonderful person you... In case they aren't telling you, I wanted you to know how loved and appreciated you are. XoXo"-Dallas
"I had lunch with Patrica on Sept. 14th, during lunch we talked about a legal problem I had to deal with the following week. Patricia told me not to worry that I would do well and have a good out come at court. she was right on with her description of what would happen I was amazed at the accuracy of what she told me. at the end of our lunch I asked her what she felt about my health she stopped and looked at me and said I am worried about you please go get you heart checked. I told her that 2 years ago I hadgone through all the complete tests for my heart and I got a clean bill of health. Patrica insisted I get checked. I went to me doctor and told her that I wanted to get a check up on my heart again she took my pulse and said it was fast she sent me for a ECG and sure enough something
showed up my heart has a flutter and although my blood pressure is good my heart beats to fast and would have resulted in a stroke or a heart attack I would have never known I always check my blood pressure. So thank you Patrica by seeing that and sharing it withme you have helped me to get the medical help I need. I am going through a lot oftests right now but my doctor is confident
they can correct the problem."
All my love to you,
you are my angel.
Val L.
Sedona Retreat Testimonial November 19-24 2018
I had the great pleasure of going to Patricia Monna’s Sedona AZ retreat, November 2018. What a wonderful life changing experience it was for me. The thing you will quickly learn when you are around Patricia, is what an amazing person she is, as well as her talent for teaching, will make this an unforgettable experience!!! Patricia is a kind hearted person that makes you a better person for knowing her. The people who attend these retreats will have you surrounded by beautiful like-minded people that you will most likely become fast friends with. Every day is a jam-packed with adventure of learning and seeing knew things. It was the fastest six days of my life! As you can tell by this testimonial, I loved every minute of this awesome adventure. It does not matter what walk of life you come from, (I am a firefighter for the City of Calgary) and I met a flight attendant, accountants, nurses and many more. Patricia brings everyone together as though you are one big happy family. I hope you get the chance to learn and work with this remarkable lady. It does not matter who you are or where you come from you will learn something!!!
Jacqueline S.
"Patricia, I just wanted to personally thank you for everything you told me on Saturday at my first appointment. I went in skeptical and came out with the clearest mind I have had in a long time. You told me things that nobody else could have known and I will definitely be back again and again." -Laurie L.
" I have been talking your praises to my entire family and I’m happy to report you will have 3 more clients coming your way! You were spot on telling me about my friend going on a month long trip. Turns out, who you were seeing was my sister and she just got news that she is going to Australia for a month in the spring! Crazy! Thanks again for everything it means so much to me!" Dwila
"I can honestly say no single experience has changed my life as much as my experiences here. I am forever grateful." -Arlen M.
"Hi There:
I just wanted to personally thank Patricia. I was in the other day after my friend told me how amazing she was, and was my friend ever right. Patricia really helped me with truly understanding what was going on in my life and has ready given me so much clarity after seeing her just one time. I will absolutely be coming back for a long time. Thank you so much Patricia for being such an amazing woman and for helping all of us who are in need of your gift. " Jaimie
"Just like a lot of people, I went in to Our Angels a skeptic and came out a believer! I am still in complete shock about the inside information that Patricia was able to pick up on. I tucked a picture into my fathers left breast pocket at his funeral, and Patricia clearly identified who was in the picture as well as describing to me where the picture was taken! This is just one example of the kind of detailed information that Patricia was able to provide." Jackie M
Good Morning Patricia,
I just wanted to let you know that Laura and I got a dog like you predicted and it is the kind you had said in a meditation class a few months ago. We rescued a little Yorkie and she is the cutest little thing, her name is Nala. I have added a picture below. We just wanted to let you know as you got it right!
Do you think we should smudge her since she came from a tougher life up until now?
Derek F.
I” have now attended two of Patricia Monna's Psychic Retreats and I highly recommend them to anyone who is needing guidance and clarity in their life.
Not only were these retreats amazingly ran they were pivotal in aiding numerous souls in their growth and expansion in both a Spiritual & loving sense.
Patricia is a lovey soul and extremely gifted soul who has the natural ability to make you feel comfortable and loved leading to an openness and vulnerability
that is so very refreshing. She is open and upfront and cuts to the chase but in the most loving way possible. Her retreats offer a unique opportunity to connect with Spirit with other souls who you will feel an immediate bond with.
You will learn so much about meditation, angels, crystals, reading energy, connecting to your guides and learning to trust yourself and the messages you receive.
I highly encourage numerous people to seek Patrica's consultation and guidance and always suggest to friends to attend any of the events she offers.
I have been profoundly changed since attending these retreats and hope you find all you need in them as well.”.
In love - Tafline