Did you know that hundreds of years ago, witches would take a sample of blood or hair of a person and use it to put a curse on their soul?

Our DNA is our unique physical expression of the body that houses the Spirit, and our DNA is the roadmap of who we are and how far our ancestry has come in the evolution of our family genetics.

A part of us consists of every single person who came before us. This is why you will see family patterns of behaviour, looks and talents when you look back at your family history.

Within your genetics, you also carry the traumas of generations past. This is why we see patterns such as sexual abuse, drug addiction and alcohol abuse being passed down within family lines. Yet, we also carry the gifts, talents and abilities that our ancestors mastered in their time as well. This genetic expression can be found by simply examining a piece of your DNA such as your hair, blood or bones.

We can look backwards in time through the science of Epigenetics to gain a deeper understanding of who we are and why we are prone to certain behaviours and illnesses.

We also know today, that our DNA is affected by our intentions, actions, circumstances and how we view the world around us. Our thoughts can literally alter our DNA.

The reason why a witch would need the hair, blood or bones of a person they wish to curse, was because they were cursing the BLOODLINE and the DNA of their victims and through quantum entanglement the ill intentions would work on a cellular level.

If a curse has been put on a person generations ago, the modern day family member carrying the same genes, can feel the ripple effect for generations to come if no one takes action to clean up the ancestral lineage on a spiritual, karmic and energetic level.

We know that our actions can influence our DNA, but our DNA can also influence our actions.

This is where expressions such as "Like father, like son" or "Like mother, like daughter" comes from.

It is time to break the generational curses that have been put upon our ancestors.

If you have always felt like the "black sheep" of your family, it's probably because YOU are the difference that your family needs in order to change history and stop any darkness from being passed down. YOU are the spiritual alchemist of your family.

We transmute the energy by making greater choices and daring to break out of the cycle of family trauma instead of feeding into it and passing it down.

We break generational curses when we stop passing down the actions of our ancestors that hurt us.

You have the power to bless your blood and create a higher timeline for generations to follow by making different and more conscious choices for you and your family. When your behaviour and actions are aligned with peace, love and forgiveness, you change history by creating a different future.

Wishing you healing, love and blessings,

Patricia Monna
