Patricia Monna Intuitive Consulting

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What Side of History Do You Want To Be On?

Today marks 104 years since the end of WW1. Less than 30 years later, WW2 began and ended with millions of lives lost on all sides. Since then what have we learned?
We need to ask ourselves what drives humanity to the point of war? What energy are we feeding into when we promote division, intolerance and hatred?

The freedoms we have today are because our ancestors fought for us, and we honour them when we stand in our power and exercise our freedoms instead of feeding into war with a perceived enemy.

We must stand for peace and not allow this negative energy to divide us.
When we come together with open hearts and stand together in solidarity, there is no more room for the energy of war to take root.

Today is a very powerful day. It is a day to remember the fallen men and women who lost their lives fighting for a safe and peaceful tomorrow.
Each one making the ultimate sacrifice.
Each life making a difference in this world.
Everyone of us has the same power to change the world. One small act of kindness can start a ripple effect of positivity that will grow in momentum by the energy that we feed it.
Today, more than ever we need to come together with open hearts to heal the wounds of the past so we can move towards a future we are proud to say that we helped create. It is through love and understanding that we learn and grow so that generations to come will never face the pain that our ancestors endured.
Each one of us is an individuated part of the collective consciousness that we see in the world today. If we want to change the world, we need to start by changing ourselves and become the difference that we want for future generations to come.
The power is within us to repeat history or to learn from it. What side of history do you want to be on?

Wishing you peace, love and eternal freedom,
Patricia Monna