Everything is energy, including how we speak to ourselves and others.
4 letter words such as love and hate, have the power to heal or hurt us, depending on how we fuel them.
Every thought we have, creates a vibration of energy that can be felt within the body. Our systems are always listening, and what the mind perceives, the body receives. This is why we can think our way into a good mood or a bad mood, or become completely immobilized by the fear that can come over us if our thoughts are filled with darkness. The choice is always ours to experience.
What creates a bad mood, is the thoughts and energy that you feed into. You can literally feel a bad mood emanating from a person when they are stuck deep inside of it, because it leaks into their field of energy. What you focus on expands past your body and into your reality.
Your thoughts become your actions, and your actions become your choose wisely what you allow into the sacred space of your mind.
Our thoughts fuel our words, and when they are in alignment with love, they have the power to heal and uplift any situation.
Our words also have weight to them, and can be remembered long after they're said. We need to become impeccable with our words and deeds while learning to make peace with those that trigger a reaction out of us. When there is no longer anger inside of you to be triggered, the energy of healing begins to shine through you and the situation.
In today's society, there is a narrative of fear that we must not allow to invade our thoughts and the sacred space within our mind. Fear is a frequency that can literally immobilize you. It is a frequency that you can FEEL ripple through your body. When fear takes form, it becomes "paralysis by analysis" which makes it very difficult to think straight or move forward in a positive direction.
If we want to FEEL free of fear, we must start with the words we tell ourselves. When we think lower vibrational thoughts such as fear and self doubt, we can get caught in a feed back loop of negativity that never seems to end until WE change the narrative inside of ourselves.
Let's get back to what brings us joy, happiness and freedom and use our words to uplift and heal humanity by first healing the world within .
Take time today to examine your thoughts. Become the observer of your mind's narrative and you will begin to see and sense where your blockages are to freedom and happiness.
It's time we think and speak a greater world into existence.