Beyond Belief with George Noory: Psychically Sensing the Human Resonance


Beyond Belief with George Noory on GAIA TV

Last year, I was invited to Colorado to be on a show called "Beyond Belief With George Noory" for Gaia TV.

The plan was for me to be interviewed regarding my work with Law Enforcement and my success with locating missing people. (I have helped to find 29 missing loved ones to date!)

A few days before I was scheduled to leave for Colorado, the Executive Producer called and told me that she had a last minute idea and thought it would be great if I could get someone who had worked with me on a missing person case, to speak about their experience with me on the show. With only a few days before filming, this last minute change had me franticly looking for someone to speak on my behalf.

It is not easy to just call someone up and ask them if they are willing to speak publicly about such a personal and devastating time in their life.

I quickly became discouraged trying to find someone as the clock was ticking and the people that I did ask, were not available on the day that we needed them to film with us.

Feeling frustrated, I phoned the Executive Producer back and let her know that I couldn't find anyone last minute.

But the Universe surprised me with a last minute twist of fate!

On my final day of work before leaving for the show, a beautiful young lady named Brittany, walked into my office for a psychic reading that she had scheduled back in April. Wearing a gorgeous all white dress, she looked like an angel in human form.

As she sat down, she asked me if I remembered her since she had seen me for a reading back in October 2019. Unfortunately I couldn't recall her past reading when she asked.

My client then proceeded to tell me that her missing father had been located exactly where and how I had described to her during her last reading. Needless to say, I was completely stunned by the timing of her news.

When Brittany originally came to see me in October 2019, she had just met a new guy, started a new job and was curious to see what the future had in store for her. When she came in, Brittany had NO idea that anything had happened to her father since they had been estranged for the past 4 years.

When she sat in front of me and I began the reading, her father came through in Spirit to let her know he was missing and that he was no longer alive. Her dad then gave me the location of where his body would be found in April of 2020.

Unfortunately, my psychic reading was accurate, and her fathers remains were found in North Vancouver in April of 2020, just as I described in her reading.

Brittany's dad was able to help his daughter find closure by reaching out beyond the grave even before she knew he was gone. This is a VERY unique circumstance because usually I am contacted by police or immediate family AFTER someone has gone missing, not beforehand!

Needless to say, Brittany gave a flawless testimony of this experience on Gaia TV's "Beyond Belief With George Noory".

Here is the description of the show and a link to view my guest appearance:

"Like sonar for a dolphin or bat, Patricia Monna, an internationally known psychic medium, is able to target a person’s resonance and see their location and environment through remote viewing and dowsing. From a young age, she recognized her abilities to sense death and see illness in another through her hyper-sensitivity.

She brings story and perspective to her psychic experiences as a hospice oncology nurse, her work as a psychic for private clients, and her assistance in locating missing people with law enforcement. As she explains these techniques that have come naturally for her, she reminds us that this can be learned by all."

A New Way of Life Is Upon Us...


something different.jpg

There is a different stream of energy that is flowing around us and if you quiet your mind, your heart will feel it.
The times are changing, and a new way of life has finally arrived.

One thing that my Spirit Guides showed me before stepping into this new decade, was the importance of getting out of our heads and dropping into our heart space. There is no more room left in our lives for hate, anger, bitterness or jealously. If you have not removed these blockages from your life already, then you run the risk of repeating these lessons with harsher consequences than before. There is no such thing as coincidence, and if you are living your life wide awake, then you will clearly see the patterns that were so easily missed before.
As you learn to release these painful memories and remove these lower vibrations from your personal energetic field, you will start to feel the new energy replacing the old. This is when the magic can start to show up in unexpected ways, but you must clear your channels in order to be receptive to this new way of life that is yours to recieve.

We are always in a constant state of creation. Every moment and decision dictates what comes next and we need to be hyper aware of what we are creating and putting out there right now.

I have seen karma slap people in the face lately, so make sure that you are living each day on purpose and stay in a state of Love..and sit back and allow Karma to do her work!

We have started this year off with a huge energetic bang considering we have 4 full SUPER moons in a row!
A super moon is what happens when the full moon cycles closest to the earth, appearing up to 33% larger than a regular full moon. When the moon circles us this close, the cosmic rays and lunar effects can be felt at a much deeper and more intense level. Those of us empaths out there can really feel that added difference so go easy on yourself while this shift takes place.
Remember to stay neutral right now and don't let anyone else's negativity rub off on you. Everyone will be feeling this energy shift, but very few will know how to surf the waves and use it in their favour.
The Universe will be testing you to see if you have learned from your past mistakes, so be on the look out for repetitive cycles coming back to be cleared. This time things will be different.

You have always been Divinely supported but now you will start to see and feel it for yourself.

Keep going my friend... it's all falling into place and you will soon see what I mean.

Sending you Peace, Love and Light as we surf this cosmic wave together,

Patricia Monna


Remember You Have The Power to Change The World!

Today is a very powerful day. It is a day to remember the fallen men and women who lost their lives fighting for a safe and peaceful tomorrow. Each one making the ultimate sacrifice. Each life making a difference in this world. 
Everyone of us has the same power to change the world. One small act of kindness can start a ripple effect of positivity that will grow in momentum by the energy that we feed it. 
Today, more than ever we need to come together with open hearts to heal the wounds of the past. It is through true forgiveness that we learn and grow so that generations to come will never face the pain that our ancestors endured.

As 1 is a considered a Master Number in numerology it represents the energy of oneness, unity and elevated consciousness which will be amplified today on the 11th day of the 11th month.

Take some time out today to put your sword down and stop fighting against whatever trials are happening in your life right now. Visualize peace and love flowing towards you and the situation and watch how your outcome changes.

The power of One is within you to change your world. How are you going to use it?

Happy New Year!


Welcome to the next decade. You made it through 2019 without losing your mind!

As we step into a new decade, the energy that comes with it is going to change us from the inside out. This shift will challenge us to become the greatest version of ourselves at all times. 
No more playing small or dulling your shine to appease the opinions of others. 
The strength that you seek surrounds you and the clarity and conviction to face your challenges head on, will be different this year because you now have everything that you need to make it happen! Take a deep breath and dive in to the future that your heart longs for. You are the one that is creating it with the choices that you make moving forward..

Stay in your heart space as we move through this year, this is where your power lies. 
LOVE is the highest vibration that can flow through you and to you. It has an immense field of energy that can easily heal the deepest of wounds. 
You see, ALL of life is vibration and energy, and when you look within and learn to maintain your own inner Light and stay in high vibration, you become a beacon of Light for all others that surround you. Staying in your heart space is very important, because the only way to let go of past trauma and hurt is through forgiveness...which is accessed in the heart. Allow your pain to heal, and leave it in the past decade. Now is your chance to begin a new YOU.

Living in a state of Love instead of desperation will change the trajectory of where you are heading in 2020. Love not only heals, it also speeds up time! Have you ever noticed how time flies when you LOVE what you are doing? There is reason for that! 
This is one of the ways Spirit shows us what to reach for. Your passion and your purpose are intertwined, so pay attention to what fuels your desire!

Stop and do a quick check in on yourself. How have you been feeling? 
Your feelings are the voice of your soul, and when you are feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, sad, angry, depressed or feeling stuck, this is a clear indication that you are not in vibrational alignment with your mission or you wouldn't be feeling that way. 
Your personal vibrational frequency is an ongoing progress report that shows you how often your energy is aligned with your highest intentions, and whether the intention was set high enough in the first place. NO MORE SETTLING!

Stop focusing on your blocks and start using them for the foundation that you wish to build. Breath life and love back into what you are most passionate about, and watch how easy it is to manifest your desires when they are fueled with the right energy and intentions.

Understand that even when life looks scary, deeper things are happening on a level that you may not be consciously aware of. This is when FAITH is most important. 
As you shift from within, you will begin to realize how our physical reality also does the same in response to our thoughts and intentions. Kinder thoughts, will produce kinder actions, which can change how people react to what you are putting out there. This is just a simple example of how our inner thoughts manifest into our outer world. 
Learning to trust the process and drop your expectations of the outcome will help to instantly raise your vibration and bring you back into the present moment. 
2020 is set to be an intense year of transformation and crystal clear vision, . Your life will not be the same as you leave behind all of the baggage and hurts from the past decade. 

There is a brand new you that is walking into 2020, so hold your head up high, keep your eyes wide open and your heart ready to receive all the blessings that are yours to come!

With Love and Light, 
Patricia Monna

The Lions Gate Portal

Have you heard of the "Lions Gate Portal"?


From July 26 to August 12 the Lions Gate Portal is open and was at its peak on August 8, however this energy will be with us for the remainder of the month, sending beams of high vibrational light to our planet. If you are sensitive enough, you may have already felt things in your life begin to shift.

Pay close attention to the blessings that enter your life this month, as this energy is here to move us forward.

These light waves can benefit you greatly if you have cleared your past and are ready to leap into what you want to manifest.

In numerology, the number 8 represents infinity, abundance and higher realms of consciousness, making this a phenomenal month to tune into your souls purpose, while learning to trust the process.

This is a time to rise up in consciousness and align with your hearts intentions.

This August Lion's Gate Portal will help you to open your heart chakra and release any pain that you have been holding in that area. If your chest or heart area has been feeling heavy lately, take a moment to close your eyes and breathe the vibration of Light in through that area. Imagine this Light dissolving any darkness on the out breath, while visualizing it leaving your body. Breathe in the Light until you feel the blockage break up and lift off of you. This exercise will help you to free yourself from any grief or hurt that you have been carrying, while raising your vibration to one of love and understanding.

The Lions Gate Portal also activates the third eye chakra which will heighten your natural psychic abilitites, so pay close attention to your dreams and intuition as they will be at an all time high this month.

During this time, you can expect the Universe to support you on your journey, giving you plenty of signs to know that you are not walking this path alone. Communication from your loved ones in Spirit, Guardian Angels and Spirit Guides will be louder and easier to decipher. These beings of Light are here to assist you your journey, all you have to do is ask and open up those line of communication that is available to everyone.

The energy that surrounds us this month will move you towards personal peace and freedom.

What ever stifles your growth will irritate you... Don't get mad at the process, understand that things need to be highlighted so that you can choose differently, and move toward a better outcome.

This month is filled with tons of blessings and magical energy

that are yours for the taking, so get excited!

Stop walking through this life in a haze, and start living your life on purpose and watch the difference it makes in your life and the lives of those that surround you.

Sending you all Peace, Love and Light <3

Patricia Monna