Have you noticed the internal dialogue that is going on inside of you?
There is a steady stream of thoughts that direct our day. This voice has many tones, from ranting in anger to thoughts of love and creation.
Every thought you have emits a frequency that can be felt by the people who surround you.
The stronger the emotional charge behind the thought the more energy it has to create or destroy us.
We are just one thought away from changing our lives...
How present are you with your thoughts? How much of your life do you live lost in thought, pulled from a different time than the one you’re living in right now?
Our thoughts are the seeds of creation. Ideas and inspiration are what fuel the actions behind manifesting the life that we wish to lead.
When our thoughts are taken out of the present moment, it robs us of the joyous moments that are all around us, waiting for us to take part in.
Obsessive thoughts seem to be an all-time high right now. Getting lost in regrets, unspoken words or unresolved issues are ruminating inside the heads of those who entertain it.
What a complete waste of time that is!
We cannot think our way into a different past, but we can certainly think our way into a better future. Our thoughts clearly dictate our outcome. Whether we think we can or whether we think we can’t, both thoughts are correct and will fuel your level of success. The longer we get stuck inside lower vibratonal, repetitive thoughts the more time we waste.
Joy and happiness can only be felt in the eternal now, they are not something that we can aspire to become. Have you not realized yet that tomorrow never comes? We are constantly living in an eternal now, and now is the only time that you will find the happiness that you were looking for. Take the time to get to know yourself, and to understand what the repetitive program running inside of your mind is actually trying to teach you. Not all pain is here to destroy you, some is here to wake you up and teach you what you have chosen to learn the hard way.
The power to create your world lies within the strength of your ability to perceive it and then achieve it. When your thoughts are centered on creative energy, your ability to manifest becomes easy and natural. This is why it is so important to clear the carnage of yesterday's destruction before trying to create a new reality. A clear mind creates the space for Divine inspiration to pour through you!
If you are having a hard time with negative or repetitive thoughts, bring yourself back to your body by sensing your surroundings. Count your blessings and focus on what you have conscious control of. If it's out of your control, it should be out of your head.
Create a bucket list of what you want to manifest, and take clear action towards your goals.
When we become consciously engaged and aware of our thoughts and actions, we make choices that are clear reflections of our souls desires. We operate in peace and clarity instead of stress and pressure. Now is the time to develop a spiritual practice that will connect you with the Truth of who you are.
When you take the time to still your mind and connect with your spirituality, you will see that there is a "voice" that has been guiding you all along...This is the voice of your soul. Quiet your mind and listen to it.
Wishing you a month of Divine Peace and Love <3
Patricia Monna