Creating a Different Reality
The energy of our planet is rapidly changing and you can clearly feel it wherever you go. People seem to be on edge, feeling stuck or rapidly spinning out of control.
If we want to move towards a future filled with peace and healing, we need to activate the Light Source within us on a personal level before looking outside of ourselves at a world we can't control. When we take a good look inside, we give ourselves a chance to slow down and heal what has been hidden within the recesses of our memories, tucked away for us to deal with at a later date.
It's time to go deep!
Our memories are fuelled with the energy that created them, that's why the worst experience of your life will stand out in your memory easier than last night's dinner.
Everything that you have ever been through, has gotten you to where you are today. The good, bad and ugly are all part of the story that makes up your book, and we honour our memories by making peace with the past that helped to create our future. We must never resent where we came from, because without it, we would't have a story to tell.
You can't skip chapters either, even during the suspenseful periods when life feels exciting, but scary as hell.
If the current page you're on looks like you're going through hell...KEEP GOING! YOUR STORY GETS BETTER! Your Light is needed here.
Every one of us is an individuated Light Source, sent here to effect change wherever we go. A simple smile to a stranger, can help to neutralize the low vibration of sadness that they may be carrying in that moment. Your presence is more powerful than you think, and when you heal yourself, you become a natural example for others to follow.
What dictates our energy from the inside out is the thoughts we carry. They become the actions and company we keep, that can haunt us or heal us depending on the frame of mind we're in.
If you've noticed your awareness shifting lately, it may be that you no longer resonate with the old time lines of confusion and victimhood and you are now vibrating on a higher dimensional reality, therefore creating new timelines with the Light that you carry.
Or maybe you're still waiting for the Universe to give you a sign that now is the time to jump but you keep procrastinating?
Stop waiting for change, and CREATE IT!!
When your intuition tells you that something's off or needs your attention, please listen and make the necessary changes. The Universe has your back in a huge way right now and that's why this message is resonating with you as you read this. So step out of fear and you will start jumping timelines.
Wishing you a month filled with Golden Blessings,
Patricia Monna