Patricia Monna Intuitive Consulting

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Surrender and Release...

Before I begin any newsletter, I always ask my Angels and Spirit Guides what they would like me to write about, and one simple word keeps coming to mind "SURRENDER".

This simple, yet profoundly powerful word has meaning to you and that's why YOUR 
angels have brought this newsletter to your attention. When you surrender to the NOW you allow the universe to works its magic. How can positive changes come into your life if you can't surrender and let go of the worry ? Understand that you attract what you focus on.

So how does a person "SURRENDER"?

By simply letting go of the need to control the outcome. No matter what is going on in your life right now, simply surrender to the process. 
When we sit and obsess about the things that we can not change, we create blocks in our life that lead to suffering. 
Learn to take things one day at a time, one minute at a time if the day seems to be too much. Just breathe...simply breathe and know that as you surrender and bring yourself back into the present moment all that you were worrying about will simply fade away. 
Mindfullness is the act of staying completely in the here and now. This is an excellent tool for dealing with stress and worry. Even if the world is burning down around you, you still have the choice to stay in a state of peace and acceptance instead of feeding into the negativity which leads to misery. 
Just remember that This Too Shall Pass..

May your summer months be filled with peace, beauty and stillness as you step into your higher purpose.

In Love and Light, 
Patricia Monna