Thanks Dad!
When my father was alive, he use to work over the border, so he always carried American money in his pockets. 13 years ago he was killed in a workplace accident, and ever since then, I have found American dimes in the oddest of places.
The other day, I pulled out my winter boots and went to put them on, when I felt something cold at the bottom. You can imagine my surprise when I found an American dime just sitting at the bottom of my boot!
I have no idea how it got there, but I know who put it in there!
I know in my heart that it was my dad letting me know that he is still near me when I need him. My fathers death has a lot to do with my life purpose since my life and my career changed because of his tragedy. I have learned to honour the brutal hard times as they are only transformations in the making.
I live my life following the signs that Spirit gives me. Every month, I pull a card (below) to give you a little guidance for the month, and this month I pulled the card "Hello From Heaven..." after I had already chosen to talk about the dime in my boot! LOL
I LOVE the signs that Spirit gives us!!!
Your loved ones in heaven are sending their love and saying hello to you too or you wouldn't be reading this newsletter right now! This message has been brought to your attention by someone who loves you just as much as my dad loves me, and they have used my sign to get your attention. Understand that this is your message as much as it is mine!
BIG hugs and love are coming your way, sit back and allow yourself to feel their embrace <3
Sending you pure Love and Light,
Patricia Monna
Guidance From Beyond...
The Spirit Messages: Daily Guidance Oracle Deck By John Holland
"Hello From Heaven!"
Your loved ones in the Spirit World want to connect with you- as much as you want to connect with them. They know you've been thinking of them, and to prove that they are with you at this time, they're showing you how much they love you!
This card comes forth now because you may be thinking of someone that you are missing, so this serves as validation that he or she is still with you. When a loved one passes and leaves the physical world, the familiar methods of ordinary communication get interrupted for a time, until a new form of communication is established. Spirit people are trying to get your attention through special signs and symbols- this is their new way of communicating with you.
Trust that it is really your loved one's presence that you are feeling. Acknowledge when they visit you in your dreams or when they send a specific scent that reminds you of them. Another way for them to let you know they are around is blinking lights, TV sets turning on and off, shiny pennies and dimes suddenly appearing, or even cell phones ringing with their name being displayed. These are just some of the many signs and symbols, so put a loving thought out to them, and let them know that you are ready to receive more and that they have your attention. Be thankful for these signs and symbols. Cherish and hold them close to your heart, for they truly are hellos from heaven!