Patricia Monna Intuitive Consulting

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Have You Been Searching For Meaning Lately?

Searching For Meaning?

I recently read an amazing book called "Man's Search For Meaning" by Viktor Frankl.

The author begins by giving the reader a glimpse into the horror and atrocities that took place in Auschwitz Germany. The human hell that these poor victims of political war had to endure is beyond our comprehension in a world where it no longer exists.

But it does exist.

Hitler was not just a man. He represented the collective consciousness of all of those who allowed it to happen and did nothing to stop it.

Regular human beings just like us, were forced by their government to do the unimaginable and kill or be killed while they lived in a time that was pure hell on earth.

It is mind boggling to realize that these crimes against humanity happened less than 100 years ago. Our grandfathers and grandmothers still remember and hold the scars of a time that I pray humanity has learned from.

While I was reading the book, I wondered how Viktor Frankel was able to endure such brutal conditions and keep going in spite of the hellish circumstances around him....Thank GOD he didn't give up because his experience has left a massive footprint on the world that future generations will learn from.

EVERY life serves a purpose, even when we feel that all is hopeless.

With over 16 million copies sold, Viktor Frankl found a way to turn his pain into a chance to change the world by sharing his story with us. This generation will never know the living hell that our ancestors went through, so that future generations would not have to endure what they did.

Viktor teaches us that the power lies in how we look at the situation before us. We can be happy on death row, knowing that the Great Divine is waiting for us on the other side, or we can panic and have no peace while still facing the same inevitability. The choice is always ours.

Whatever trauma you are carrying, it is now time to put down the burden of a past that you cannot change and welcome peace into your future. When life feels out of control, you still have control over how you view your situation.

You can transcend your circumstances no matter what you face,
Viktor's life is a true testament of finding peace in a world of suffering.

If you have not read this book yet, I suggest you do so... It gives deep insight on how we can face anything, no matter what life or our governments throw at us.

"Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way."- Viktor Frankl

Wishing you peace, love and happiness,

Patricia Monna