Reclaiming Your Strength

Have you been feeling stressed out or overwhelmed? Our reality is changing very quickly, and can create anxiety and stress if we are not ready to embrace what this year has in store for us.
Whether it's work pressures, personal challenges, or the whirlwind of everyday responsibilities, stress can easily make us feel like we're losing control. In moments like these, it’s vital to remember one thing: your personal power is always within you, even when stress tries to take it from you.
There is power in awareness and when you recognize what is stressing you out, you have a choice to continue feeding into it, suppress it, or change it. Take a moment to pause and reflect. Ask yourself: What’s causing this stress? What’s within my control, and what isn’t? Understanding your stress allows you to separate what you can change from what you need to accept. Instead of viewing challenges as obstacles, start seeing them as opportunities for growth and expansion. Shift your mindset from “I can’t handle this” to “This is tough, but I can learn from it.” By focusing on growth and solutions, you give yourself back the power to shape your experience, rather than letting it control you.
When stress takes over, one of the first things to go is your breath. We tend to shallow-breathe or hold our breath entirely. Deep, mindful breathing can reset your nervous system, calm your mind, and help you regain control of your physical and emotional state. Try the 4-7-8 technique: inhale for 4 seconds, hold your breath for 7 seconds, and exhale for 8 seconds. Doing this a few times can center your thoughts and give you the clarity to face whatever comes next.
It’s easy to lose touch with the things that make us feel centered and whole when we are feeling stressed out. Whether it’s spending time with loved ones, practicing gratitude, or engaging in your favourite hobby, find what grounds you and incorporate it into your daily routine. When you nurture what makes you feel alive, you tap into an unshakable source of inner strength.
Setting boundaries is just as important to your mental, physical and spiritual heath and is essential for preserving your energy and well-being. Know your limits, and give yourself permission to say no when needed. Establishing boundaries allows you to protect your personal power and prevents burnout. Make sure to prioritize your health and well-being during times of stress, so you can make decisions with peace and clarity. When you think clearly, you make decisions that you don’t have to think twice about.

Stress may come and go, but your personal power remains a constant source of strength. In times of challenge, it’s crucial to remember that you have the ability to regain control of your life, even if it takes time. By acknowledging your stress, breaking it down, nurturing yourself, and connecting with your inner strength, you can regain your personal power, one step at a time.
Remember: Stress is temporary, but your resilience is not. You are capable, you are strong, and you have the power to rise above whatever this year has in store for you.
Wishing you an amazing week,

Patricia Monna