I Choose Peace
I have a mantra that I have been using lately to keep me sane in this insane world. It's a simple yet powerful mantra, because the moment I say it to myself it brings me back to a state of peace immediately.
"I choose peace".
I say this to myself no matter what situation I am facing. Whenever I feel fear or anxiety rising within me, I simply say the words "I choose peace" and it brings me back to a place of stillness.
Now, I want you to try it.
Whatever you are doing in this moment, choose to do it with peace.
I choose peace as I shop in the grocery store. I choose peace as I drive in my car. I choose peace with the kids screaming in the background.
Because no matter what situation you face, you ALWAYS have the freedom to choose peace. This is something that no one can take from you... unless you choose to give it away. Once you find it, you will begin to see that there is a divine design to the chaos that surrounds us. We are witnessing a new energy being birthed right now and we must stay in a state of peace if we want to raise the collective vibration here on earth and keep sane while doing so.
When you remind yourself of the peace that is always available, you naturally raise the vibration within your body.
Remember, what the mind perceives, the body receives and can be felt by everyone else around you.
It's time to choose peace.
Wishing you a beautiful month ahead,
Patricia Monna