Our World Needs Prayers
There is something to be said about the power of prayer.
In my line of business, prayer for me is an open line of communication with a Greater Power that has the answers and solutions to what I am asking for. It is where I draw my strength and feel my greatest sense of peace.
I just came home from spending a week by the ocean, walking on the beaches and talking to God. I find that nature quiets my mind and amplifies the voice of my intuition so that I can hear clearly what steps to take next.
What I heard is that the world desperately needs prayer. But these prayers need to be anchored in faith, and not fear.
Faith is a vibration that brings peace to your body, mind and soul. It's the letting go of the need to control the outcome and knowing that whatever happens is for the greatest good.
Don't pray out of desperation, because that too has a vibration that will ripple through your body and leave you feeling frantic with worry and drained instead of peaceful. (I use to pray this way, and wonder why my prayers were never being heard).
Come to a place of neutrality and gratitude for the answered prayers you need.
We are in the midst of a huge shift and prayer helps to anchor and amplify the Light within the earth's grid.
The spiritual battle around us is becoming more apparent by the day and prayers of protection for both yourself and the world are needed daily.
It doesn't matter if you're religious or not. This isn't about religion. This is about FAITH. Opening our heart to something so much greater that has the power to change the world and bring peace back into our lives both personally and collectively.
When we call upon the Highest Power to surround us with protection, wisdom and strength, we start to vibrate on the level where this can easily be achieved.
Prayer changes things....including timelines.
My next Prayers and Meditation for Humanity will be LIVE on my YouTube channel Patricia Monna Intuitive Consulting on July 20 at 7pm MST. The details are listed below in my calendar of events. I hope you will join me.
With Love and Blessings,
Patricia Monna