Patricia Monna Intuitive Consulting

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Your Truth...


There has been a mounting sensation of energy lately gradually forcing us to look at what needs to change in our lives. What we do with it and how we process it, will be different for everyone. 
However, the underlying "theme" of this energy is TRUTH. 
Whatever we have been lying about to ourselves, or others, is all coming to the surface. Walking in your truth and power has never been more needed than right now. Things are coming to the surface, so that you can examine what needs to heal and change. 
We can keep denying that these parts of our lives need changing, but this is the time to get real and to look past the illusion of the "false self". 
How many times do we lie throughout the day? Even the little "white lies" add up. When someone asks, "How are you?" do you tell the truth about how you feel? Even the smallest of lies lead to an accumulation of guilt and shame over time. 
If you have been feeling like crap lately, there is a reason for this! Quit denying what needs to change! (Or else it will keep coming up until you do!)

However, if you are already self aware and standing in your truth, then this is a time of huge expansion and positive changes for you....just watch how everything starts falling into place when you replace fear with trust. 
The veil between this world and the other side, is very thin right now, so Angelic communication and Spiritual contact is super easy, so don't forget to meditate and pray your way through this time. ALL prayers are heard and answered.

Sending you love and strength at this time, 
Patricia Monna