Patricia Monna Intuitive Consulting

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A New Way of Life Is Upon Us...


There is a different stream of energy that is flowing around us and if you quiet your mind, your heart will feel it.
The times are changing, and a new way of life has finally arrived.

One thing that my Spirit Guides showed me before stepping into this new decade, was the importance of getting out of our heads and dropping into our heart space. There is no more room left in our lives for hate, anger, bitterness or jealously. If you have not removed these blockages from your life already, then you run the risk of repeating these lessons with harsher consequences than before. There is no such thing as coincidence, and if you are living your life wide awake, then you will clearly see the patterns that were so easily missed before.
As you learn to release these painful memories and remove these lower vibrations from your personal energetic field, you will start to feel the new energy replacing the old. This is when the magic can start to show up in unexpected ways, but you must clear your channels in order to be receptive to this new way of life that is yours to recieve.

We are always in a constant state of creation. Every moment and decision dictates what comes next and we need to be hyper aware of what we are creating and putting out there right now.

I have seen karma slap people in the face lately, so make sure that you are living each day on purpose and stay in a state of Love..and sit back and allow Karma to do her work!

We have started this year off with a huge energetic bang considering we have 4 full SUPER moons in a row!
A super moon is what happens when the full moon cycles closest to the earth, appearing up to 33% larger than a regular full moon. When the moon circles us this close, the cosmic rays and lunar effects can be felt at a much deeper and more intense level. Those of us empaths out there can really feel that added difference so go easy on yourself while this shift takes place.
Remember to stay neutral right now and don't let anyone else's negativity rub off on you. Everyone will be feeling this energy shift, but very few will know how to surf the waves and use it in their favour.
The Universe will be testing you to see if you have learned from your past mistakes, so be on the look out for repetitive cycles coming back to be cleared. This time things will be different.

You have always been Divinely supported but now you will start to see and feel it for yourself.

Keep going my friend... it's all falling into place and you will soon see what I mean.

Sending you Peace, Love and Light as we surf this cosmic wave together,

Patricia Monna