Change Your Patterns, Change Your Future!
Change Your Patterns, Change Your Future
What patterns do you need to change?
The Universe is asking us to become consciously aware of the patterns holding us back from living our best life.
Many people are examining their lives and level of happiness, realizing that change needs to happen.
When we take the time to examine the patterns of our reality, we can change the ones we have out grown.
When I do a psychic reading, I get a chance to look into a persons reality and the patterns that created it.
I often see patterns of abuse in families that don't know how to stop the aggression of ancestral anger and unhealed trauma that flows down through the bloodlines, so they create children that mimic their parent's behaviour. Toxic patterns can be hard to step out of when we don't see the impact it has on our future.
If we want our children to make this world a better place, we need to stop passing down the pain that we refuse to look at within ourselves. Cycles repeat themselves until someone decides their future deserves better.
I also see a lot of people leaving jobs that no longer define them, opening their own businesses and embracing their creative expression.
If you can get over your fear of failure and take a leap of faith, right now is the time to recreate yourself anew.
The old patterns of 9-5 enslavement to a system that leaves you drained, will collapse when you step out of it and into a new cycle of joy and vitality. If it's time to change your job or leave a dead relationship, then you need to recognize what your instincts are telling you and finally take the leap of faith.
Peace comes when you are surrounded by people and places that feed your soul.
It's time for change, and only YOU can do it.
Our society is also rapidly changing. After getting through the last 3 years, people are exhausted from the constant stress and negativity that we've experienced.
This is a time of great revelation. Everything that annoys you, angers you or depresses you, is here to teach you that something is out of alignment in your life. Change happens when we stop the patterns and change our reality.
Start living from your heart, even if it means making a fresh start for yourself.
Change can be scary, but playing small and staying where you are is not what you have come here to do .Don't waste your life living with regret, when you know It is time to feed your soul and make the changes that reflect happiness back to you.
The Universe will support you in all ways....Look back and you will see that everything has always worked out in the end. It will now too as you move forward towards your hearts goals and desires. Don't wait for happiness, start creating it today and take the leap of faith.
Wishing you a month full of miracles,
Patricia Monna