Patricia Monna Intuitive Consulting

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Pause Before You Speak..

Your words have the power to uplift or tear down a person, depending on the energy that fuels them.
A simple four letter word combined with intention can warm a soul or break a heart; your words have the power to both create and destroy. Think about moments when a simple compliment brightened your day or when criticism stung and lingered in your mind for days. This dichotomy highlights the responsibility we bear in choosing our words carefully because every interaction has a ripple effect. When we speak kindly to someone, it can inspire them to pass that kindness on to others. Conversely, negative words can perpetuate a cycle of hurt. Imagine a workplace where encouragement is the norm; it fosters collaboration and boosts morale. In contrast, an environment filled with negativity can lead to conflict and resentment.

My Advice to You:
Practise taking a deep breath and pause before saying anything you can’t take back.
Pay attention and be aware of the power in your words, because one minute of hatred and anger can destroy a lifetime of friendship. At this time it is crucial to practise self control and learn how to hold your tongue in order to avoid unnecessary regrets.
There’s always a way to speak your truth without burning bridges.

Wishing you a month filled with peace, love and clarity.

Patricia Monna