The Shift...
Let us choose Faith over Fear and rise together as we move through through these difficult times.
This is what "The Shift" looks like, and I know if you quiet your mind long enough, you will hear exactly what needs to change in your life. What part of your reality needs the wisdom of a higher perspective? The Universe is listening to the desires of your heart. Right now, our Creator is telling you "Ask and ye shall receive..." Just make sure that you are clear on what you are asking for. The mass ascension process is happening right before our eyes. Our reality is changing and we have a choice as to how we want to proceed. We can shift our lives kicking and screaming the whole way, or we can move forward with faith and grace, with the knowledge that we are all going to make it through this together. If the past 4 weeks have been peaceful for you, then congratulations! You are already ascending into the next level! (I'll meet you there after I'm finished schooling everyone!). However, if fear seems to be lurking around every corner you turn, then you may be leaving yourself wide open and asking for trouble. Fear eats away at your body, so it is more important than ever to find your peace and stay in a high vibrational state no matter what you are facing. A new reality is unfolding before us, and we are literally speaking our thoughts into manifestation at a rapid rate. The Universal energy is on the rise, and what you choose to feed into can become your reality very quickly if you are not careful. This virus has a very low vibration, so you must choose to raise yours, if we want to make it through this time unscathed. I came across some very useful information that I think you will find very interesting: "Like any other virus, (COVID19) has a low vibration with a closed electromagnetic circuit structure, with a resonance frequency of about 5.5 Hz-14.5 Hz. In the highest intervals it is not active and, starting with the intervals of 25.5 Hz and above, the virus dies. For a person who lives with high vibrations, on a soul level, it is no more dangerous than acute respiratory infections.
The body of a healthy man "vibrates" at the highest frequencies and only occasionally, for various reasons, slips into lower vibrations (However a high vibratory person does not stay low for long!). The reasons for this can be various disorders of the energy balance such as fatigue, emotional breakdown, hypothermia, chronic diseases, nervous tension, etc. The virus in nature, which is outside the body, is not resistant. The average resonance of the Earth's total frequency is now 27.4 Hz and would therefore be destructive to the virus. However, there are places in the world where this frequency is lower either naturally or through artificially created geopathic areas such as hospitals, prisons, power lines, underground and public electric vehicles, malls, offices etc..these areas are usually not places with high vibrations. If the vibrations drop below 20Hz THIS VIRUS IS DANGEROUS.
Pain - 0.1 Hz -2 Hz
Fear - 0.2 Hz -2.2 Hz
Resentment - 0.6 Hz -3.3 Hz
Irritation - 0.9 Hz- 3.8Hz
Emotional disorders - 0.6 Hz -1.9 Hz
Pulse temperament - 0.9 Hz
Flashes of anger - 0.5 Hz
Anger - 1.4 Hz
Megalomania - 3.1 Hz
Feeling of abandonment - 1.5 Hz
Feeling of superiority - 1.9 Hz
Generosity - 95 Hz
"Thanks" - 45 Hz
"Thank you very much" - from 140 Hz and above
A feeling of unity with other people - 144 Hz and beyond
Compassion - from 150 Hz and above
Love - 50 Hz -Beyond
The love that a person generates with his / her heart / soul for all people, without exceptions and for all living things - from 150 Hz and beyond.
Unconditional, sacrificial, universal love - from 205 Hz and beyond.
For millennia, the frequency of our planet was 7.83 Hz (also called Schumann Resonance). The physicists call it Schumann's NMR. The electric discharge caused from lightning, beats in the space between the earth and the ionosphere, which acts as a wave guide and a resonator. A spiritually neutral person felt peaceful in these conditions, since the frequency of vibration of his field or energy had the same parameters - 7.6 Hz - 7.8 Hz. However, Schumann's frequency has recently begun to increase rapidly, Following the dynamics: January 1995 - 7.80 Hz
January 2000 - 9.30 Hz
January 2007-09 - 9.80Hz
January 2012-11 -10.00Hz
January 2013 - 13.74 Hz
January 2014 - 14.86 Hz
February 2014 - 14.99 Hz
March 2014 - 15.07 Hz
April 2014 - 15.15 Hz
APRIL 11 2020- 61 HZ (Its clearly on the rise!!)
Even if we consider the situation from a scientific point of view, it becomes clear that a person who does not increase his vibration at this time will leave his body open and susceptible to the low vibration of Covid-19.
So you don't have to be scared! You can pick up your vibrations by working with yourself and by stimulating conscious behavior. P.S. Any negative (ie low) emotion will close the access to clear consciousness." - Dr. Carla Bastianelli- YOU are the only person who can change your world, so start by raising your vibration.
With love and healing light sent your way,
Patricia Monna