Patricia Monna Intuitive Consulting

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11:11- Time for Peace, Healing and Deep Transformation

Numbers have a resonant signature which contain specific information pertaining to that number.

I believe that when you start to see repeating numbers that catch your eye, it is a message from your Guardian Angels to pay close attention to what is happening around you!

Each number represents a different energetic message, and when they repeat, it is showing you that the message has been amplified in order to gain your attention.

November is the 11th month, and in numerology, this represents new beginnings, spiritual transformation, and illumination, which is exactly what this world needs right now.

This year is the first time since 1919 that November 11th has fallen on a repetitive year, creating the perfect portal for manifestation and healing to take place.

Today is a very powerful day as we close this 101 year karmic cycle.

It is a day to remember the fallen men and women who lost their lives fighting for a safe and peaceful tomorrow. Each one making the ultimate sacrifice. Each life making a difference in this world.

Everyone of us has the same power to change the world. One small act of kindness can start a ripple effect of positivity that will grow in momentum by the energy that we feed it.

Today, more than ever we need to come together with open hearts to heal the wounds of the past. It is through true forgiveness that we learn and grow so that generations to come will never face the pain that our ancestors endured.

Take time for yourself today to find your center and create a future with the love and peace that you wish to see in the world.

Change starts with Number 1.

Sending you peace and love,

Patricia Monna