Patricia Monna Intuitive Consulting

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"Anger Is Like Swallowing Poison and Expecting The Other Person To Die"

"Anger is like swallowing poison, and expecting the other person to die".

In my line of business I often see clients who are completely stuck in bitterness and anger.

It is very easy to get angry at others when they hurt us and not so easy to get rid of the anger that has arisen because of it. Even worse, are the repetitive thoughts of negativity that eat at us when we sit in anger due to someone else actions.

There is an intense flow of energy around us right now amplifying what needs to heal while our brains are programmed to remember the pain of yesterday, and fear that same repetition in our future, making us prisoners of our hurt today....Thus begins the cycle of suffering if we are not ready to let go of the resentment.

So the golden question is "How do you step out of the cycle of hurt and anger?"

I've learned to pray. I've learned to meditate, and I've learned to breathe. Life is going to happen to us, no matter what, and you can bet there are going to be painful days...that's just life. I've also learned that how we react to the situation is the only thing that we truly have control over. 
When you allow yourself to get angry due to someone else actions, you feed into the energy that created the problem in the first place, and no solution ever came from the same level of consciousness that the problem was created in. 
Practise forgiveness every chance you get. This helps to rid the negativity from your body so that healing can begin.

Don't forget to ask your angels for assistance if you feel overwhelmed or don't know where to start.

I challenge you to heal a situation in your life that needs your attention. If you are reading this, chances are it's for a reason. So what in your life needs healing? And are you brave enough to fix it?

Have a fantastic week!

In Love & Light, 