Today is a day for inner reflection and remembrance. A chance to look back on history so we never repeat the past. Many of our ancestors lived and died under the fear and energy of a war they never came home from. Dying for an ideology that has no place in the future reality we are co-creating. As humanity awakens from the collective illusion of division and fear, we can clearly see that nothing has ever been solved with war. War criminals on one side are war heroes on another, yet we all share the same common goal; to have a prosperous, healthy and peaceful life.
Narratives of control, division, hatred and separation belong to the old timeline that we are currently jumping off from. Those who are still operating within the old matrix will fight to maintain control through fear and intimidation with threats of war and destruction both on an individual and collective scale. However, the Light has already won! A huge shift in the consciousness of humanity is currently underway, recalibrating our minds to see a higher truth as more people wake up to who they are and why they are here on earth at this time.
Think of all the billions and trillions of souls who have lived and died on this earth since the beginning of time and you will realize what a precious gift it is to be living here, NOW in the present. YOU have a big role to play in bringing peace to earth. Playing your part in this reality, creating history with your actions of love and kindness. Creating a future where we no longer feed into division, separation and fear. Where we put down our weapons and resolve our differences. These actions need to start within us. Within our homes, work places and our daily lives. Then we will see it manifest into our collective reality.
When history starts to repeat itself, it is time to rise up together to create a greater timeline than the one we are currently dealing with, so we can leave history where it belongs.
Let’s spread love and kindness.
THIS IS WHY WE ARE HERE…Now let’s awaken the others.
Blessings of peace, love and freedom,
Patricia Monna