Patricia Monna Intuitive Consulting

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Who Do You Want To BE in This World? And What is Stopping You From Doing It?


2018 is a year of walking the walk and getting the ball rolling in the direction of your dreams. 
The universal energy that surrounds you is giving you the push and support that you need in order to step forward by letting go of anything that is holding you back. Self love and care is so important at this time as we learn to gently let go of what we have grown out of. 
Have you noticed yourself changing? It may be something as simple as feeling the need to eat healthier, or as huge as leaving a relationship behind that simply doesn't feel right any more. 
Listen to your heart right now, instead of your head. 
Often times we listen to everyone around us who think they know best, or we simply do nothing, waiting for the right time that never comes.

Feeling stuck and doing nothing about it, only leads to fear, anxiety and depression. NOW is the time to make the changes that you have been thinking about.

But how much courage and faith do you have in the process?

Stop allowing fear to stand in the way of what needs to be done in order for your new life to unfold. If you never step out of it, things will never change.

Fear comes from our own thoughts focusing on the negative. The acronym for fear is False Evidence Appearing Real.

Fear is a low vibration that you need to step out of, seeing through the illusion is essential for our growth at this time.

There is no time like the present!!

We are manifesting more rapidly than ever before. Your thoughts, actions and consequences to those actions are coming to light at great speed. Right now you need to make sure that you take care of yourself by raising your own personal vibrations. (Simply put : GET HAPPY!!) 
Higher vibrations can lead to spontaneous awakenings, leading to greater clarity and awareness in your life. 
With clarity comes an awareness of what needs to change and let go of in order to greet the day with greater peace and contentment.

May your shift be filled with Love and Light of the highest vibrations,

Patricia Monna