You Have A Choice
There has been such a heavy feeling in the air here in Calgary for the past few weeks. This feeling is energy and can cause caos and upset in our lives if we dont learn to recognize what it is trying to tell us.
I think that the theme of 2016 has been "What you resist, persists.." because what truths we have not wanted to face are coming to the surface in all areas of our lives.
Ask yourself if you are truly happy in the place that you are in right now? Even through the tough times we can still maintain our state of peace and inner happiness, it just takes a little more effort to find .
The next 3 months are going to feel a little more intense with each one passing over us with a desire and passion of change. Be prepared for things to change...even if you dont want them to.
These changes can be life changing or they can be as subtle as a spiritual shift in consciousness that wakes up your inner desire to learn and seek a higher dimension in your current reality.
Your thoughts are manifesting more rapidly then ever!
By practising mindfullness and really paying attention to the thoughts that are swimming through your mind, you gain more control over what you want to happen in your life, thus creating CHOICES.
When we operate in a state of fear and anxiety, we cloud our judgement and make poor choices.
Here are some tips to stay grounded and peaceful through the next 3 months:
Yoga/Meditation/Prayer (It saved my sanity!!!)
Go for walks in nature
Self care (Go get a mani-pedi!!)
Practise mindfullness and staying as present in yourself as possible (Dont let the "Negative Nellies" and their drama get inside your head!!)
Write a manifestation letter to the universe and set a deadline of when you expect it to arrive.
Make a daily mantra and tape it to your bathroom mirror
(mine was: "Depressed people live in the past, anxious people live in the future, PEACEFUL people live in the present" .
I said it every day a thousand times until I found myself living in the moment, each moment. Moment by moment).
Listen to your favorite "Pump me up music" as soon as you wake up.
These are just a few things that worked for me and can work for you too...BUT YOU HAVE TO TRY!!
You have to want to be happy, and live in the moment in order to do so.
Always remember: Pain is inevitable but suffering is a CHOICE.
Choose happiness...
In Love and Light,
Patricia Monna