Patricia Monna Intuitive Consulting

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Let's Make Room For Miracles in 2022!

When was the last time you felt happy? Like really, really blissfully happy?

If it has been a while, let me give you some pointers on how to raise your frequency back to joy, peace and mental freedom.

Let's do a bit of cleaning house.

Everything is energy including your home and who you choose to surround yourself with. Sometimes we can feel stagnant and stuck and need a little reminder of what can shift if we clear out what no longer brings us joy.

Detox these things from your home and separate them into 3 categories:




1. Objects you no longer use (give them away to a local charity)

2. Clothes you don't like or haven't worn in a while

3. Old paperwork

4. Sick or dead plants

5. Any objects that hold bad memories

6.Receipts and old magazines

7. Broken or unused toys

8. Clutter

As you learn to let go you will notice these benefits:

1. Your health gets better

2. You can think clearer with less clutter

3. Your creativity grows as you create room for new ideas

4. You have greater motivation to keep decluttering once you get started!

Ask yourself these questions when you are clearing things out:

1. Why am I saving this?

2. How will I feel if I release it?

3. Who else can benefit from what I am no longer using?

Now that we have cleared up our surroundings, let's take a look at what needs to be cleaned up inside of ourselves...

1. Clear out all bitterness, anger and resentment- it's time for a fresh start!

2. Make peace with the circumstances you can't change- Understand that everything happens for a reason!

3. Make room in your life to meditate and journal- Meditation will save your sanity in an insane world!

4. Create Stong boundaries around your inner peace- You exude the energy that you carry inside of you.

5. Know your self worth- Quit giving yourself away to people who don't appreciate what you have to offer. Your time is precious, so spend it with the ones who want to spend theirs with you.

6. Clean out all self doubt and replace it with faith- Faith can move mountains, so take things ones day at a time and watch the blessings unfold.

7. Become aware of your thoughts and the inner voice that is directing you and clean up your internal clutter- Make sure you aren't listening to the shitty-committee..those thoughts will only leave you feeling stuck and drained. Change your thoughts, change your life!

Reset and release all stagnant energy from the past year by burning sage and saying the above prayer. State your intentions to manifest the greatest and cleanest stream of energy for 2022. This energetic reset will get you prepared to welcome in the miraculous energy of the new year!

As you cleanse your home, watch what changes inside of you. You will have more energy, room and determination to create the life of your dreams!

Wishing you an amazing year ahead filled with love, light and golden blessings!

Patricia Monna